Wednesday, 30 June 2010

My Little Girl with the Cheeky Pox

Just had to show a little pic of my daughter with the cheeky pox. Clearly I've found the camera, hurray. Emily would have me taking pics for hours.

Have a good evening everyone x

P.S. if anyone has any suggestions on something to start with on my 52 week challenge (see previous post) they would be gratefully received x

The 52 Marvelous Makes Madness Challenge

Hello everyone. Wasn't sure I'd make the third day blogging as the heat is sucking the life out of me. But nope I'm not going to moan about the weather!

Well I've decided to take on a challenge!! Think all those creative people over at Folksy have rubbed off on me. Its going to take me a full 52 weeks, one a whole year GULP. Right so the challenge is to make 52 things I'll enjoy making in the space of the year. Yep thats one a week. Now to all you proper crafty, artistic, talented people out their this might not seem like much of a challenge (especially you June Looners and soon to be July Jesters). But to the average individual like me who is used to receiving handmade at the click of a Folksy button, in particular this month lol, it is going to difficult! Now this making can be anything from sewing, cooking, candlemaking, painting etc etc. Once a week I'll blog about my crafty exploits with pics (it may give you some laughs anyway). I really must get that camera out. For more info or to join in click the link on the right hand side. Fingers crossed I get through it.

Bye for now.

P.S. Thanks for all the suggestions regarding the dinner party and Folksy blogging. Off to buy something new to wear tomorrow :)

Take care

Michelle x

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Etiquette - expectations of social behaviour

Dilemma number one this week is that I've been invited to my 1st dinner party! What to wear? What gift to take? etc etc. You may laugh but this is causing sleepless nights. Any suggestions will be welcome at this point. Jewellery and handbag are not a problem after all my recent Folksy purchases lol (will takes some pics of the Folksy items I choose). So I need to find something to wear and whether to take a gift. HELP PLEASE as I really have no idea. Since taking a career break to spend time with the kiddiwinks I just live in jeans!!

2nd dilemma this week is how I'm going to feature some of my Folksy purchases on my blog. Will need to dig out the camera first! What is the procedure about featuring sellers? What permissions do I need to ask? This one I know for sure you can help me out with. So before I take the pictures and include them on my blog will you point me in the right direction please. Better get practising with those pics (not sure where the camera is but I'll find it, under all my recent purchases no doubt lol).

Thank you all in anticipation of your help in these matters. Loving this blogging malarky as it helps get things off your mind. Bye for now. Will be keeping a close eye on any replies!!

P.S. Thank you for all your concerns regarding Emily's cheeky pox. She is still spotty, fed up and currently arguing with her brother Conor!!!

Michelle xx

Monday, 28 June 2010

Wow the 1st blog!!

Well here goes. Not sure if any of this will make sense but I'll ramble on regardless. Can't believe I'm actually the owner of a blog!
This has all started with my introduction to Folksy. A fab site that sells handmade goods. Bought too much to mention today but every single item has been gorgeous. Noticed that most of the sellers had a blog so thought I would join in so I could follow some of them.
Why is it that when you read about others escapades your own life seems so mundane in comparison? But then again I thought there may be some out there who might (just might) want to read about MY family and their rollercoaster life lol!
Think this has been enough of a ramble (my head hurts with all this thinking) and back off to entertain Emily who has the chicken pox (or cheeky pox as Zachary would say). Bye x