Dilemma number one this week is that I've been invited to my 1st dinner party! What to wear? What gift to take? etc etc. You may laugh but this is causing sleepless nights. Any suggestions will be welcome at this point. Jewellery and handbag are not a problem after all my recent
Folksy purchases lol (will takes some pics of the
Folksy items I choose). So I need to find something to wear and whether to take a gift. HELP PLEASE as I really have no idea. Since taking a career break to spend time with the kiddiwinks I just live in jeans!!
2nd dilemma this week is how I'm going to feature some of my
Folksy purchases on my blog. Will need to dig out the camera first! What is the procedure about featuring sellers? What permissions do I need to ask? This one I know for sure you can help me out with. So before I take the pictures and include them on my blog will you point me in the right direction please. Better get practising with those pics (not sure where the camera is but I'll find it, under all my recent purchases no doubt lol).
Thank you all in anticipation of your help in these matters. Loving this blogging malarky as it helps get things off your mind. Bye for now. Will be keeping a close eye on any replies!!
P.S. Thank you for all your concerns regarding Emily's cheeky pox. She is still spotty, fed up and currently arguing with her brother Conor!!!
Michelle xx